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access errorの例文


  • If this overwrites adjacent data or executable code, this may result in erratic program behavior, including memory access errors, incorrect results, and crashes.
  • Ada also supports run-time checks to protect against access to unallocated memory, buffer overflow errors, range violations, off-by-one errors, array access errors, and other detectable bugs.
  • Notably, when their program fails, most embedded systems simply become software failure, such as an memory management unit ( MMU ) to catch memory access errors.
  • "' Purify "'is a memory debugger program used by software developers to detect memory access errors in programs, especially those written in C or C + +.
  • Its features include persistent storage of objects in relational databases ( object-relational mapping ), syntax check for object query language statements at compile time-this avoids data access errors at run-time.
  • The MMU may also generate illegal access error conditions or invalid page faults upon illegal or non-existing memory accesses, respectively, leading to segmentation fault or bus error conditions when handled by the operating system.
  • Note that the non-use of ACLs in Windows File Protection was a design choice : Not only did it allow operation on non-NTFS systems, but it prevented those same " bad " installers from failing completely from a file access error.
  • Operating systems typically provide an abstraction layer ( such as exception handling or signals ) that hides whatever internal processor mechanism was used to raise a memory access error from a program, for the purposes of providing a standard interface for handling many different types of processor-generated error conditions.
  • Another type of memory access error is a bus error, which also has various causes, but is today much rarer; these occur primarily due to incorrect " physical " memory addressing, or due to misaligned memory access  these are memory references that the hardware " cannot " address, rather than references that a process is not " allowed " to address.
  • I've never had great problems with international characters ( primarily CJK ) in filenames on Windows ( English version and locale ) tranferring between PCs although it's not uncommon some programs will have display errors or even access errors if their support for unicode is poor ( but this doesn't depend on locale ) talk ) 19 : 30, 29 May 2009 ( UTC)